Sunday, April 02, 2006


Back in the early days of Internet marketing, there wasn't much you could do to get started with marketing your business online until you actually launched your own web site.
Before you could make money, you had to:

1. Choose a domain
2. Set up your hosting
3. Design your web site
4. Put it all online
5. Optimize and test your web site

But maybe you want the chance to "get your feet wet" before you commit to building a web site and getting really serious about marketing your business online.

Or maybe you're trying to discover your online business niche: the problem you want to solve, the people you want to sell to, and the best possible way to create a viable business. Maybe you don't want to commit to a web site until you've had a better chance to experiment with different ideas.

Well, fortunately for Web newbies, there are more options for getting started with e-commerce than ever before! Now you can actually market and sell products without ever creating your own web site.

(Article from:


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